Oh, That Tree!
Oh My Goodness!
Oh, that tree—The cherry blossoms have shown up and shown out this year. When we bought this home in a snowy December, we had no idea that this tree would be a glorious profusion of pink blossoms every Spring. Last Spring, we had a horrible wind and rain storm just as the blossoms emerged that blew off 90% of the blooms. This year, we are back to stunning fluffy pink blooms that can be seen over the roof of the house—LOVE.
We still have dogwoods in bloom up here on the mountain, too, and the viburnums are fast on the way to perfection. Check back later for more garden updates—it’s going to be a glorious spring.
Pink, fluffy perfection!
Love the Carolina blue sky.
Even the falling blossoms are lovely.
A profusion of pink blooms
Pink perfection!
Even the Mule looks fancy.
♥xo, Lissy
All phtots by Lissy Parker for lissyparker.com. You are welcome to ‘borrow’ my photos—just please credit and link the source.